We have been working on a new updated website for a while and finally it is up and running on www.lanzarotefootball.com
Please check out the new site and let me know what you think. This new website works on mobile phones much better than the old one.
A new shirt will be introduced for the forthcoming season in all of the three colours with a special 50 Aniversario proudly embroided below the badge to celebrate the clubs 50th Anniversary. The new shirts are beauties and will be shown and available in early September.

As from the 17th August the shop will be open Mon – Fri 10am to 7pm and on Saturdays 10am to 1pm. This first week up until 14th August the opening hours are morning only 10am to 1pm
Meanwhile our current shirt which we have worn for the past three seasons has been discounted from adults 35 Euros to 25 Euros and child’s shirt from 25 Euros to 20 Euros. Further discounts on these products will be given to season ticket holders and members of the club. These are also available on the new websites shop.

Anna and Jessica will be in the shop and will be looking forward to seeing you.
On Monday 10th August we are delighted in reopening our small shop in Costa Teguise at Centro Commercial Nautical, Local 25. This is opposite the Pueblo Marinero square, Up from Decades Bar and tucked behind Café Bonjour. The discounted current shirts and all merchandise will be available from Monday. The shop for the first week will open from 10am to 1pm Mon-Fri then from 17th August 10am to 7pm and Saturdays 10am to 1pm.

The current shirt available in red and blue, white and blue and also pink and white have all been reduced.
Unfortunately we do not have the new season tickets (abonos) or membership cards (Socios) available as yet mainly because we don’t know when the league will start and how many teams will be in the league. Once that is done then shortly after they will be available.