On Monday evening Rojillos manager Leonel “Pipa” Gancedo led out his squad for their first training session in the 2023/24 campaign.

The season will begin on the 10th September however the fixtures have not yet been released by the Federation as yet though they should be published within the next few days.

Club president Juan Carlos Albuixech and club director Pablo Rial greeted the players then the coaching staff explained their training plan that will take place over the coming weeks.

Joining the manager is his assistant manager Roberto Infantino and training coach Rodrigo Zaleski. Juan Andrés Martín continues as club delegate as does Pedro García as the goalkeeper coach and Clemente García remains as the kit man. Borja Corujo has joined the coaching team as a technical assistant and will liaise with the clubs B side.

At the end of the training session I had a quick chat with the new manager and he was delighted with the energy and togetherness shown by the players in their first session.