It has been over 13 months since fans have been allowed to see the Rojillos play at home in Arrecife.  This Sunday the authorities will finally allow supporters to assist their team in Lanzarote´s final game of the regular season. The Rojillos must win this match to guarantee avoiding the relegation playoffs and instead join the promotion playoffs.

The islands government are allowing 440 fans in to watch this Sundays match versus UD Las Palmas C at 12 noon. Seating will all be on an individual basis meaning if you go with your partner or child you will be sitting three seats apart. All seating is on the opposite side of the stadium as you enter.

Tickets can only be sold at the club in Arrecife at Calle Isleño 4 because of handing out seat numbers as well as signing a declaration that you have not been in contact with anyone who has Covid or are showing symptoms. A second declaration must also be signed to show that you agree with the rules set out by the government (Cabildo), Such as the wearing of a mask, agreeing to have your temperature taken on entrance, no eating or drinking in the stadium and other minor measures.

The price of tickets will be set at a flat rate of 10 Euros per person and 6 Euros for club Socios (members). Gold Card members will not be charged however they must go into the club with their Gold Card, Nie and passport or driving licence to sign the declarations and receive their ticket.

The sales of the match tickets will be staggered. From Wednesday and also Thursday morning solely Gold Card members then on Thursday afternoon and Friday tickets will be made available to the rest of the public.

The club will be open from 8am to 12 noon and again from 6pm to 8pm. On Friday at 12 noon is the deadline as all information for trace and tracking purposes has to be given to the Cabildo. Please REMEMBER to bring your Nie and either passport or driving licence with you to collect your tickets and also on match day for identification purposes.

The seating areas will be divided up into 13 sectors with club officials helping fans to understand the guidelines and assisting with the seating. On leaving the ground the officials will be asking fans to comply with the rules and leave in sections when asked.

For those of you unable to attend the match especially all you supporters overseas, the match will be streamed live, courtesy of the YouTube channel of Lanzarote Deportiva.

The online raffle will be taking place and we are very much hoping for your support. We will be adding to the current six prizes so to be in that draw, a ticket will cost 5 Euros or 5 tickets for 20 Euros. To enter now or up until fulltime on match day please go to https://gofund.me/ef4318e5

Is it worth going amid these restrictions? Damn right it is, the drum will be banging, the fog horns will be blowing and the fans will be singing. I know that all the players, management and most importantly the supporters have waited desperately for this so let’s go and enjoy this historical day.

The restrictions are from the Cabildo and must be observed. This is far from the last game of the season, it is possible that we may have another NINE home matches (explain playoffs next week) and I am sure as long as all goes well restrictions will ease in the passing of weeks.

The club understands that it is extremely difficult to control your emotions during a football match especially when Rosmen comes up with a 91st winner however we must. Sing, shout, clap but don’t embrace. Big Brother will be watching the club!

To make things easier for us I will ask the players to go into the halftime break with a 4-0 lead to ease the tension.